Overview proposals ranked A-

Experiment ID Title Proposer Part Ranking Shifts
B-22-00061 Particle-Fluoroscopy for image guindance in FLASH ion therapy Volz, Lennart 1.1-SA-2
B-22-00074 Heavy ion spatially fractionated radiotherapy Prezado, Yolanda 1.1-SA-
B-22-00085 Mixed ion beams for online image-guided particle therapy Graeff, Christian 1.1-SA-
B-22-00114 Development of On-Line 2D-Dosimetry for High-Z particle Experiments with Scanned Beams Wyrwoll, Vanessa 1.1-SA-4
B-22-00169 ELFH : Evaluation of nucLear Fragmentation for Hadrontherapy Marafini, Michela 1.1-SA-
G-22-00029 X-ray spectroscopy of slow Xe54+ + Xe collisions Hillenbrand, Pierre-Michel 1.1-CA-
G-22-00037 Atomic Processes in the Wake of Neutron-Star Mergers: Electron-Ion Recombination of Low-Charged Heavy Ions Schippers, Stefan 1.1-CA-
G-22-00056 Nuclear symmetries and structure studies via mass measurements at the N=Z line from Ge to Rh Plaß, Wolfgang 1.1-SA-
G-22-00060 Proton-capture on 91Nb - A key to the explosive nucleosynthesis of the p nuclei [Continuation of E127] Glorius, Jan 1.1-EA-
G-22-00068 Towards testing three-loop effects of bound-state QED in heliumlike uranium Trassinelli, Martino 1.1-EA-
G-22-00070 Dielectronic and trielectronic recombination in sulfur ions Biela-Nowaczyk, Weronika 1.1-CA-
G-22-00072 Commissioning and First Storage Ring Experiments of the CRYRING Transverse Electron Target (Resubmission of Proposal E149) Brandau, Carsten 2.1-CA-21
G-22-00075 Laser spectroscopy of the (1s2 2s2p) 3P0 - 3P1 level splitting in Be-like krypton (This is a resubmission of E135) Winters, Danyal 1.1-EA-
G-22-00087 Astrophysical nuclear reactions between bare ions using FISIC+CARME Bruno, Carlo 1.1-CA-
G-22-00093 Influence of hyperfine interaction on the nuclear electron capture decay in 111Sn Sidhu, Ragandeep Singh 1.1-EA-
G-22-00111 Towards limits of nuclear structure by using a 9C beam Chudoba, Vratislav 1.1-SA-11
G-22-00122 Symmetry energy at high densities from neutron/proton flow excitation functions Russotto, Paolo 1.1-SA-37
G-22-00123 Discovery and Spectroscopy of Neutron-Deficient Pu Isotopes and their Alpha-Decay Daughters Sarmiento Pico, Luis Gerardo 2.1-UA-
G-22-00130 Cooling and precision spectroscopy of 209Bi82+ ion ensembles with the ARTEMIS and SPECTRAP experiments at the HITRAP facility Quint, Wolfgang 1.1-EA-
G-22-00140 High-resolution measurement of the exotic Two-Electron One-Photon decay (TEOP) of the 1s(2s)^2 state in Li-like uranium. Trotsenko, Sergiy 1.1-EA-
G-22-00141 Baryon couplings to mesons and virtual photons in the third resonance region: vacuum and cold matter studies Stroth, Joachim 1.1-SA-
G-22-00152 Systematic measurement of electron capture cross sections in the unexplored low collision energy regime Petridis, Nikolaos 1.1-CA-
G-22-00153 Symbiotic measurement of masses, half-lives, and neutron branching ratios of 137,138I at the ESR Griffin, Christopher James 1.1-EA-
G-22-00155 Resubmission for Proposal E121: Measurement of the bound-state beta-decay of bare 205Tl ions Leckenby, Guy 1.1-EA-
G-22-00159 Fast Ion – Slow Ion Collisions @ CRYRING: Exploring quantum dynamics of N-body systems through the study of charge exchange in ion-ion collisions. Prigent, PRIGENT - LE GALL 1.1-CA-
G-22-00165 Heavy Ion Storage Ring Experiments of Nuclear Excitation by Electron Capture (NEEC) Litvinov, Yuri 1.1-EA-
G-22-00172 Exploring the limits of bunched beam laser cooling of relativistic stored ions, using 3 laser beams (pulsed and cw) and new diagnostics Walther, Thomas 1.1-EA-
M-22-00024 Bond-specific fragmentation of oligopeptides induced by swift heavy ions – excitation mechanism, reactions, and control Dürr, Michael 2.2-UA-
M-22-00067 Mössbauer Spectroscopic and X-ray Imaging of ion tracks after highly energetic 56Fe implantation in 57Fe foils. Yoshida, Yutaka 1.1-UA-14
M-22-00133 Fabrication of Organic Nanowires with Designated Physical Properties via High-Energy Charged Particles Seki, Shu 1.1-UA-7
M-22-00173 Determing energy distributions by MeV-SIMS/SNMS Breuer, Lars 1.1-UA-
P-22-00106 Effect of Microstructural Heterogeneities on Material Damage and Failure Schanz, Martin 1.1-SA-